Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Why is it so hard to focus on work?  The internet is soooo distracting.  Too distracting.  Too easy to browse aimlessly.  Yet visiting the same news sites over and over.  As if the breaking news even matters.  99.999% is completely irrelevant.  It makes no difference if I know what happened or not.  Really, what difference would it make in my life -- or in the world -- if I just disconnected from news completely?  None.


Hmmm... I went on a water fast recently for about 4 1/2 days.  Maybe I should try a news fast as well.  See if I get more done if I completely shun the WashPost, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, HuffPost.  (I've already quit the NYT -- $3.95 per WEEK is too steep.  I'd pay that per month, but not every week.)

Hahaha, of course this blog could now turn into yet another time sink.

Okay.  Let's try it.  No news for five days.  Ready, set...... go!

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